Sunday, December 7, 2008

Fred's Micro Shop

Fred, one of the mechanics who used to work with me at the Bicycle Center in Santa Cruz sent me this nice shot of his home bicycle shop, which he calls his micro shop. He mentions that the bench is made by Torin and that he ordered it from for a couple of hundred bucks. Also, the workbench is on casters so he can tuck the whole micro shop out of the way when he needs to make space. He plans to add some fold-out wings to the toolboard to add tool space at some point, and to build a wall bench once he removes an old furnace. Notice that Fred keeps the setup as compact as possible by attaching his Park repair and truing stands to the ends of the bench.

Friday, June 6, 2008

A big Workshop welcome!

All told, it took me about a year to write Your Home Bicycle Workshop and I'm happy to finally have it published and on the market thanks to my friends at If you purchase the book I'd enjoy hearing about your home bicycle workshop, seeing photos, learning new tips and tricks, so please send them to me.

Note that my book is an ebook, too, which means that it's relatively easy for me to update with new ideas. In fact, when you purchase the book you get 5 downloads for the price so you will be able to get updates when they're available.

As a sneak peak of what's contained inside the book's pages, here's one of the nice photos from the book, a shot of my circa 1973 Campagnolo Complete Tool Case, which still sees regular use in my home bicycle workshop.